The SheepFold…a place of safety and security for the sheep, the End Times Church - who already KNOW The Good Shepherd – safe from the wolves, with rich pasture and good fellowship.
Quite simply, we are a repository of ministries and websites which can be trusted to share only Biblical Truths in these Last Days – and should you spot a false shepherd (pastor) or teacher or ministry here, please contact us immediately so we can check it out with you. However the ministries featured in the drop down Sound Teaching menu are all well attested.
The SheepFold Church is an online community of Bible believers who are The Body of Christ – and The Remnant of what is left of Christendom in these last days.
The SheepFold won’t suit everybody, however, over the last 20 years or so, wherever we travel around the world speaking, we are asked the same question again and again from Believers who feel alone or forsaken because they have had to remove themselves from an apostate church.
"Can you recommend a sound church or fellowship?"
The sheep who come into this Fold are mainly individuals and small house churches who believe they have nowhere else to go for sound Bible teaching and loving fellowship, however no matter how big or small the group, even if you are a larger church, if you know that you are part of The Remnant – a people who are aware of the times in which we are living – we are here for you to join us – or even just use our materials.
We are not perfect – we too are sheep and shepherds – but God has called us to make this way and we are accountable to one another, and to God, our Heavenly Father and Chief Shepherd.
If you would like to be discipled, you hunger for deeper teaching or you are afraid that the deception that Jesus Christ warned about in Matthew 24 etc has now permeated your church life, then please Join Us and enter in. We have sheep and shepherds in the USA, UK, S.Africa, Canada, Namibia, France, Mexico and Australia and as more and more enter the Fold, we hope to be able to put you in touch with others nearby. We are trusting The Lord to appoint sound shepherds for each area, we have Godly men who will travel to come and strengthen that which remains, we will advise on practical preparation for the darkness which is already encroaching and will hold live streaming seminars and meetings.
Finally, for those you may know who have NO access to the internet – and in preparation for it no longer being available – we are designing an offline magazine to encourage, edify and educate and will announce more in the closer to the launch.
Either way, we warmly welcome ALL who love The Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, who are ready, watching and waiting, who are found worthy to share in His sufferings and who stand firm, persevere and overcome.
In His service – and at yours,
Deborah Menelaws (Bethel Communications & Global Vision TV),
Stewart Menelaws (The LampLight Project & Global Vision TV)
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